image Larry Cohen

Third Hand as High as Necessary

Michael Berkowitz discusses making sure you are thinking carefully before playing third to the trick.


Many Ways to Tie Your Shoes

Trump Promotion

Don't Follow the Leader

Discarding as Defender

Ruff and A Sluff

Passive play

Leading Trumps

Zombie Defense

Accounting of Counting

The First Step

Defensive Ducking

Disappearing Tricks

Opening Leads: An Overview

Killing Dummy

Attitude or Count

Counting/Placing Cards

Defense--3rd Hand Play

Defense--2nd Hand Play

Playing second to the trick is a key position for the defender. In this article, Larry discusses the principles governing this situation.

Defense--Passive or Aggressive

Defensive Signals (Signaling)

Smith Echo

Brain Teaser

Summary of Signals

New Orleans Deal 2

A Vital Opening Lead