Question of the Day

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Opener's Rebid after 1D-1S 13

What is Your Call after you Open 1D and partner responds 1S?

Question of the Day Archives

Responder's Rebid after 1S - 1NT - 2H 4

Partner opens 1♠ and we respond 1NT. Partner (opener) bids 2♥. Of course, partner’s 2♥ shows 5+ spades and 4+ hearts. He can have a dead minimum, but may also have quite a decent hand (because 1♠-1N-3♥ is GF). What will you, the responder, do next?

After Partner's Takeout Double 4

What is your call after partner's takeout double?

Should You Bid 4NT? 3

Should You Bid 4NT?

Responder's Rebid after 1S - 1NT - 2H 3

Partner opens 1♠ and we respond 1NT. Partner (opener) bids 2♥. Of course, partner’s 2♥ shows 5+ spades and 4+ hearts. He can have a dead minimum, but may also have quite a decent hand (because 1♠-1N-3♥ is GF). What will you, the responder, do next?