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Read what Bridge with Larry Cohen students have experienced as they elevated their game while enjoying the journey!

"Pearls of Wisdom in Each Lesson"

First, I want to thank you for the years of wonderful teaching from you (and your staff). I've been to your cruises, on-land lectures, and online webinars. What I particularly like is how you pop in pearls of wisdom and advice - even if not directly related - in each discussion. Just excellent! Thank you.

Jill K.

"Completely Gob-smacked and Over-joyed!"

I started out 2020 with 38 MP’s and now both of us are Regional Masters. Now for the best part. During our first couple of days playing in the Gold Rush here in Reno, we won overall! We were completely gob-smacked and over-joyed! AND BTW most of the hands were DEFENSE. So we just wanted to thank you for the great instruction!

MaryAnn S.

"Glad you Love to Teach Bridge!"

I’m glad you love to teach bridge! I love reading your articles in the back of the ACBL magazine. You are so methodical and easy to understand. Thank you.

Suzanne L.

"Learning so Much"

I set up an account Thursday when I purchased this webinar. I have been learning so much from all the webinars, either from Larry, Michael or Robert. They are all so informative, and they are presented in such a dynamic format.

Marie L.

"You Really are THE BEST!"

Larry, your speed is perfect! I am in my 84th year and I am an intermediate player. I have taken most of your webinars and many seminars. You really are THE BEST!

Tay A.

"Exceeded my Expectations"

Your webinars exceeded my expectations. Your calm, friendly manner makes the lessons a pleasure to watch.

Carol P.

"Absolutely Loved the Webinar"

I absolutely loved the webinar. It reminded me of many wonderful sessions with Larry, on a boat or in Las Vegas or at a country club.

Kandy L.

"Our Game has Improved Dramatically"

We really liked the defense webinars and have watched the series twice - and we now celebrate when we pick up low points hands. Our game improved dramatically almost immediately after the lessons.

Laurie and Chris S.

"Never Before had a Teacher like Larry"

I couldn’t be happier. Larry is a wonderful teacher and I know there´s a lot of experience and preparation behind these lessons. Being a retired math teacher myself, I know how hard it is giving explanations and preparing lessons in a suitable way. I’ve been learning and playing bridge since 2011, and I have never, ever before had a teacher like Larry.

Maria M.

"The Lesson Works… We Placed First!"

Larry, we are so excited. The lesson on bidding in the balancing seat works!! Twice I did it, closed my eyes and cringed, but made the contracts, one time with extra tricks. We placed 3rd on the honor list of 18 pairs and 1st in our section. Yay!! Thank you!!

Judy C.

"There Just Might Be Hope for Me!"

Thank you so much Larry! I have been playing bad bridge for 4 years and have been thinking about giving it up. After your lesson I felt there just might be hope for me!

Florence K.

"Precise and Clear in your Explanations"

I have enjoyed your lessons as you are precise and very clear in your explanations. Love the jokes that are based on past experiences.

Sharon M.

"You Break Everything Down"

After having played social bridge in college over 50 years ago and then starting back this April by taking lots of webinars and reading Dorothy Truscott’s book on Declarer Play twice, I found your lesson to be a great review with lots of good tips thrown in. I really like how you break everything down into small pieces to build a foundation for the actions you want us to take when analyzing and playing a hand.

Nancy G.

"Takes my Bridge to a New Level"

Michael’s 2/1 course and Larry’s webinars have enabled me to take my bridge to a whole new level. I cannot tell you how much the series on defense has helped me and my partners. Unfortunately, I keep passing the word on to others and it has also helped our opponents!

Betty W.

"Played for Too Many Years without Thinking"

Larry, I have come to the conclusion that I have played bridge for too many years without thinking. And I’ve done OK. Especially when I was playing with other people who played without thinking. Now, I have been taking your lessons, and we’re playing with people who do think. And we are getting results that reflect that. Thanks for your help in getting us there.

Cyndy W.

"Very Fun Learning to Think Bridge!"

Now I am 83 with a passion for bridge. I do, however, think it was easier to find a husband (of 61 years) than a bridge partner!! I love LC’s online classes and yours too. It’s very fun learning to think bridge!!

Tay A.

"Most Worthwhile…Keep It Up!"

All lessons have been helpful as reviews as well as introducing a new convention or two. The example hands with explanations are most worthwhile. Each lesson is well planned! I like the teaching style of both Larry and Michael. How I appreciate the follow-ups; perhaps the best part of it all. I like to learn and study this way. Keep it up!! Thank you.

Jill M.

"Definitely Going to Do the Whole Series"

I completed your first webinar this am. It was WONDERFUL!!! You answered some of the questions I have had for years. I am definitely going to do the whole series. I can hardly wait to get "to the table" to practice what I have learned. Thank you!

Cynthia M.

"Made Sense for the First Time"

Larry, I just listened to your receiving signals video. I must tell you that I was really lost about the signals among all the info on the web, having listened to your lesson, it made some sense the first time; you are an excellent teacher beyond being a champion bridge player.

Savas E.

"Makes Difficult Stuff Easy to Understand"

Larry, I thought your lesson on second-hand play was simply terrific. I feared that much of the lesson would be over my head, but you provided so many useful tips on how to play what and when. You somehow manage to make difficult stuff easy to understand. Even so, I will want to watch this lesson again and again. Thanks so much for all you do!

Janet M.

"Makes Us Think. Learned a Lot"

My husband and I listened to the first lesson on declarer play today. It really made us think. Even though we have taken many lessons from you and still often play like it was our first time at a bridge table, we have learned a lot from you and Michael. Keep the webinars coming!

Kathy A.

"Such Improvement in my Game"

I have never seen such improvement in my game! Just hearing what you both are thinking as you're bidding these hands, is really enlightening. Thank you.

David L.

"A Godsend. Terrific."

The recorded videos are a godsend. They are terrific. I learn more listening to the interchange than I do from any lecture. Thank you.

Daniel O.

"Made all the Difference in the World"

I would like to leave a comment regarding the no trump classes that I have taken from Larry Cohen. Previously I have always been afraid of being the declarer in the NT auction. This class has made all the difference in the world, to my NT bidding and play of the hand.

Peggy B.

"Helpful to Learn the Thought Process"

Cannot tell you how much your Webinars have helped me in all areas of my game. It’s especially been helpful to learn the thought process as well as the importance of FOCUS on the 3 principles of assessment for ALL hands. It’s the "small" stuff that make such a pleasurable difference in results!

Ruth D.

"I LOVE these Lessons AND the Guys!"

I LOVE these lessons AND the guys! Each one of them is so dear and they all seem genuinely eager to help students along! I’m thrilled to have found Bridge with Larry Cohen!

Mary Lou M.

"You are Fabulous"

You are happy teaching and I am also very, very happy that you are teaching. I think you are fabulous.

Kathryn T.

"Wonderful Array of Learning Opportunities"

I’ve accessed the video and watched the whole lesson. It was excellent as always. I’ve been taking all of Larry’s classes and have been loving them. Thanks for offering such a wonderful array of learning opportunities.

Maureen M.

"Love Hearing Larry’s Thinking"

Really, really, helpful. I have read about passive vs. aggressive leads but hearing the thinking behind it makes it understandable. I LOVE hearing Larry's thinking on every play!

Betty W.

"You are Great Teachers."

Very good teaching classes. Both of you are great teachers, not to take away from your being great players.

Jatinder J.

"Love These Webinars"

I love these webinars and the practice deals. I feel comfortable thinking about the hands before I look at the questions and then I can think them through before I look at the answer choices.

Pam B.

"THANK YOU for Making That Happen"

This morning my partner said, "You’re a whiz at defense today." I do feel I’m getting better at defense, so THANK YOU for making that happen.

Judy C.

"Can't Wait to Learn More!"

I can't wait to learn more and play next week.

Chelle L.