Let's test this on a full deal. You hold:
The auction goes:
West (YOU) | North | East | South |
1 | |||
2 | 2 | Pass | 4 |
All Pass |
Pretty standard auction. This isn't my favorite suit for a 2-level overcall, but the overall hand strength and vulnerability justify it. First question: what do you lead?
Don't be aggressive here. Partner isn't likely to have much. When you have most of the points for your side, it's best to go passive (unless you can set something up). Here, the only passive option is a spade. It's possible you might reveal the trump holding, but it sounds like declarer has the trump suit pretty well covered--everything else is more dangerous. You lead a spade (which one doesn't matter for us).
Vul:NS Dlr: S | DUMMY J43 |
65 AJ1095 K82 AQ9 |
Declarer wins with the Q in their hand and plays the K and a third spade to dummy, partner following with the 2, 9, and 10). You pitch the 5 for lack of a better idea (partner isn't going to think you hate hearts, and you can't risk the 9 in unlikely event that declarer holds 4 hearts).
Declarer now plays the 2 from dummy and partner plays the 8, declarer the Q
The full deal:
Vul:NS Dlr: S | J43 K62 A1043 J87 | |
65 AJ1095 K82 AQ9 | 1092 8743 J95 1043 | |
AKQ87 Q Q76 K652 |