Bidding -- Nuts & Bolts -- Not Conventions

image Larry Cohen

12-14 or 18-19

Do you know if your notrump bid shows 12-14 as opposed to 18-19?

What Does it Take to Respond?

Help Suit Game Tries

Help Suit Game Tries - Part 2

Michael Berkowitz

When is 2NT Not 2NT

Don't Freeze

The Trolley Problem

Eight the Great

Different Meanings

Walsh Style

Situational Standard American

To Tell The Truth Part 1--The Auction

Drop Dead Bids

Partner Isn't a Mind Reader

Jumping Around

The Virtue of Passing

Fast Arrival

Planning Ahead

When to Open an Off-shape Notrump

Slam Bidding--General

Control Bidding


Opening 1NT with 2 Doubletons?

Should I Transfer (with a minor)?

For the 1,000th time

When/Why to Open Light in 3rd Seat

Responding with Fewer Than 6 Points

Opening 1NT with a Singleton?

F or NF - Part 5 of 5

F or NF - Part 4 of 5

F or NF - Part 3 of 5

F or NF - Part 2 of 5

Does Responder's Major Show 4 or 5 (or more)?

F or NF - Part 1 of 5

Two-Over-One GF

Responder's Second-Round Two-level Cuebid

After the Opponents Overcall

After Partner's 1NT Rebid


1NT Forcing

1NT Forcing (VBH)

Balancing on the 1-level

Versus Michaels or Unusual Notrump

Partnership Checklist



False Preference

LAW of Total Tricks

Two-Over-One GF and Forcing 1NT


Jump-Cue Mixed Raise

Notrump Interference - Intermediate

Notrump Interference - Advanced