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After the Opponents Overcall

After the Opponents Overcall

After the Opponents Overcall

What happens after partner opens the bidding and the opponents overcall?

Let's start on the 1-level.

The opponents overcall partner's 1-level opening bid with a suit bid.


If partner opens 1-of-a-suit and the opponents overcall in a suit:

>New suits by responder are forcing one round (if on the 2-level, 10+ points).

Example: 1 (1) 1 = forcing one round (+ points)

1 (1) 2 = forcing one round and 10+ points

>New suits by responder promise 5 or more cards, except when the opponents overcall 1 with 1 and we respond 1 or 1.

Example: 1 (1) 1 MAJ = 4+ in that major
1 (1) 1 = 5 or more spades and 1 (1) 2 = 5 or more clubs.

>New suits by responder on the 3-level (not a jump, though) are GF. Example: 1 (2) 3 = 5+, GF

>New suit jumps by responder require partnership agreement (fit-showing is possible, but most players would likely play this as a weak jump in competition). Example: 1 (1) 3

>Single raises are natural and mean what they would have meant without the interference. If forced to raise to the 3-level, it shows a little extra. Example: 1 (2) 3 = 3+ and 8-10 in support (approximate)

>Cue-bidding the opponent's suit shows a limit-raise or better. Example: 1 (2) 3

>Jump raises are preemptive (assuming modern style). Example: 1 (2) 3

>Notrump bids are natural (1NT=6-10, 2NT=11-12, 3NT=13-15) with a stopper in their suit (and balanced).
Example: 1 (1) 1NT=6-10 with spades stopped

More examples:

111 MAJ4+ cards 6+ points
1115+spades, 6+ points
1125+ 10+points
1235+ GF
112Partnership agreement
1124+, Limit Raise+
112NT11-12 balanced NF, stopper
113NT13-15 balanced, stopper
1234, weakish (0-7)
1233+, Inv+

Doubles are negative. You can read more about negative doubles here.

The opponents overcall with 1NT:

If they overcall 1NT, assuming no conventions, a double is penalty, and a new suit bid is natural, NF


11NT26+, NF

The opponents overcall with a Michaels Cue-bid:

Details on this topic are covered here.

The opponents overcall with preempt:

A new suit by responder is forcing for one round on the 2-level. If responder bids a new suit on the 3-level, it is game forcing.

The opponents overcall our preempts:

Doubles are penalty. Raises are competitive/further preempting--not inviting.

For example:


updated: Dec, 2020