Watch out for the Raccoons

By: Michael Berkowitz

Watch out for the Raccoons

The raccoons were the second most infamous aspect of Old Tappan Mini Golf. While they did most of their damage overnight, particularly keen ones would start raiding the trash cans during the evening when we would still be playing under the lights. 

The most notorious part of the course was the windmill on the 13th hole. Due to mechanical problems, it never rotated at a normal speed. It would vary from a leisurely (fair) pace to so fast that your ball would fly like a Tiger Woods tee shot. Getting the timing right was impossible. One time, in a Tin Cup moment, I hit 8 shots directly into those blades. On the 9th shot, I finally got it past the blades, through the windmill and headed towards the hole... and one of the raccoons crossed the green, picked up my ball and ran away with it. 

Even when you get the timing right, you should be wary of surprises. 

In bridge, when we talk about timing, it's usually to say "which thing should we do first." In suit contracts, that often means you must answer "Should I draw trumps now or later?"

Test yourself on this deal. 

You hold:

? KQJ1098
? AQ10
? A65
? J

What's your plan for the auction? You should start by opening 1spades icon and partner responds 1NT (Semi Forcing). Back to you. 

You should jump to 3spades icon now. You have an excellent hand, just short of game forcing. Rebidding 3spades icon shows that. Partner raises to 4spades icon, ending the auction. 

  West    North    East    South  
   1spades icon
 1NTPass3spades icon
Pass4spades iconAll Pass 

The lead is the diamonds iconQ. 


The full deal: 



? 43
? 7542
? K82
? KQ103

? Q
 ? KQJ1098
? AQ10
? A65
? J

What is your plan (think it all the way through)?

Start in suit contracts by counting your losers: one spade loser, two heart losers, one diamond loser and a club loser. Next ask, how do you get rid of them? The club suit might help. You can knock out the clubs iconA and then you'll have extra tricks. Should you draw trump first? 

No! If you play spades, the opponents can win and play a diamond. That severs your communication to dummy. You need to play clubs first that if the opponents win and play diamonds, you can take your discards. Is there anything else to add? You play the clubs iconJ and... 

it wins. Where are you? Did you overtake it with a higher honor? If not, you're in trouble. You don't have a club loser any more, but you also don't have any discards and only one trump entry. I hope you have your guessing shoes on. 

Instead, you need to look out for that last 

The full deal: 

? 43
? 7542
? K82
? KQ103
? A65
? ?3
? QJ103
? A865
 ? 72
? ?986
? 974
? 9742
 ? KQJ1098
? AQ10
? A65
? J