Set 14 Results
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Board 1, West deals, N-S vul
A Q A 9 7 6 4 A K A K 9 2 | K J 8 3 J 5 2 Q J 5 4 Q 8 |
Scores for Board 1:
6NT: 10
5NT: 7
4: 5
5: 4
6: 2
RKC should come to the rescue here. After 2-2-2-3 (showing values), West might use RKC. East shows no keycards and then no Q after the queen ask. Since West knows East has some values (otherwise he would have jumped to 4--weak), he can guess to bid 6NT.
Board 2, East deals, nobody vul
A K Q J 4 A 10 4 K 9 J 10 2 | 6 5 8 2 A 10 8 5 4 3 A K 9 |
Scores for Board 2:
4NT: 5
5NT: 3
The 5-2 spade fit rates to produce 13 tricks, thus 7 gets the top score. I'd be happy to reach 6 or 6 as the likely start is : 1-1-2. West might mark time with 2 over which East will bid 2NT. The partnership is a long way from the best contract!
Board 3, East deals, both vul
K J 10 2 -- A Q 10 5 3 A K Q 9 | A Q 9 A 10 9 8 5 4 K 2 8 3 |
Scores for Board 3:
7NT: 8
7: 7
6: 6
6NT: 5
other games: 2
This isn't really fair. Two straight deals where you have to reach a grand slam in a 7-card fit! This auction will likely begin 1-2-2-2. East will now have to decide if he should raise diamonds or spades. Good luck reaching 7! (Again, it is the odds-on contract--and better than diamonds or notrump since a diamond can be ruffed in East's hand).
Board 4,East deals, both vul
Q 8 3 K 9 4 2 A K 5 4 A Q | A K 10 2 A Q J 8 7 2 J 9 4 |
6: 8
6NT: 6
7NT: 3
5NT: 2
Again, the odds favor being in 7. The combined chances in the black suits make it well over 70%. Unfortunately, if South leads a club (doesn't he know to lead trumps against grands?) it removes the option of the club finesse. On a different lead, declarer can test spades (making on 3-3 or the jack falling) and then fall back on the 50-50 club finesse. The auction will likely begin 1-2NT (Jacoby)-3 (shortness)-3 (marking time)-3. West will now likely use RKC and give up on 7 when he finds a key black king is missing.
***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***