My Partner (not my Bridge Partner) is now Alice Travel. They arrange all of my events (mostly cruises, occasionally week-long "bridge camps.")
Just like bridge players get abuse, my Alice Travel partner gets abuse.
I want to tell you what they do.
They send roughly 1,000 people around the globe to play bridge each year.
They make sure that our events have the impressive list below--something I know that no other agency can guarantee on such a scale:
& Beautiful well-lit playing space
& Coffee and more always available--unlimited--included
& Quality bridge lessons (I'll immodestly take some credit)
& Good supplies such as:
.... Good decks of cards (not used/slimy)
.... Dealing Machines -- unless it is a team game, you don't shuffle
.... Hand Records
.... Bridgemates--Electronic Scoring
.... Time Clocks
.... Printers for Daily Bulletins on Regionals and for director printing
& Top-rate directors (ACBL directors for Regionals at Sea)
& Experienced Partnership staff--with partners always provided
& An on-board Alice Travel representative
& Support staff on larger groups
& A Game--right--you won't show up and find that your agent booked you onto a bridge table with 10 players, 2 1/2 tables.
Well, of course there is a cost. The staff and equipment (and shipping) don't come free.
However, the add-on fees for this, IMHO, are modest and more than well worth it. You get a quality bridge event every time -- with the best of everything imaginable for a bridge player.
Why am I ranting (am I)? Because it breaks my heart when customers complain to me about Alice Travel. Typical complaints:
& "Nobody told me where to go on the ship."
... Not possible. I work very closely with Alice Travel to make sure many (usually 3-4) emails are sent before every event. We clearly explain all details, locations, times, etc. In a group of 100, typically 95 know where to go. The other 5 complain. They either don't read email, or ... ??
& "Alice Travel didn't secure for me the Almas Beluga Caviar. I also wanted the Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario cigars. My regular travel agent makes sure they are in stock for me."
.... Come on people. Your regular travel agent has booked 1 or 2 cabins on the cruise and has all day to pursue these things. Alice Travel is booking hundreds of players into the group--this is too much to ask.
& "My regular travel agent always gets me Shipboard credit--especially if I pay with Amex."
.... Well, yes, again, they are offering something they can afford to on a small-time basis. They don't have the cost of running a bridge tournament. If Alice Travel wanted to give Shipboard credit, it would come at the cost of something else--less staff, no supplies--or a higher cruisefare. Or heaven forbid, no Larry Cohen. Everything comes with a price.
& "If I booked with my agent, the fare would be lower."
.... Duh! Your regular agent isn't paying directors, Larry Cohen, for equipment/supplies and round-trip shipping, 24/7 coffee service, etc.
Okay -- my rant (was it a vent?) is over.
Please realize that Alice Travel and I work very hard to put on the best bridge events possible. If you want the best, it is reasonable to expect to pay for the best.
Thank you,
Larry Cohen