For the Millionth Time

By: Larry Cohen

For the Millionth Time

I was North on this online deal. I don't do it often, but I was playing as a favor with one of my frequent cruisers:

♥ A432
♦ A52
♣ A2
♥ KQJ865
♦ Q
♣ 8754

South opened 2hearts icon and I raised to 4hearts icon. Everyone passed and the K was led. How should it be played? It looks easy, but since it was matchpoint scoring, overtricks could be important.

Declarer won the A and embarked on drawing trump. They turned out to be 3-0 and this was the Real Deal:

Dlr: South
♥ A432
♦ A52
♣ A2
♥ 1097
♦ K86
♣ KQJ93
♥ --
♦ J109743
♣ 106
♥ KQJ865
♦ Q
♣ 8754

One round of trump was survivable, but not more than that. My partner drew three rounds and could no longer make the contract. With both spades wrong, declarer had to lose 2 spades and eventually 2 clubs.

Even though I've taught it a million times, my students continually make the same mistake. If you have losing cards to trump in the short hand, then don't draw trump. Here, declarer should give up a club and trump clubs in dummy. At some point one round of trump is okay, but after ruffing both clubs in dummy, the spade play (which nothing good comes of here) is for an overtrick. Down one was a horrible score, but not a bottom. Why not?

At some tables, I suspect East bid 4 over 4. I would have. Now when North doubles, East might run to 5, also doubled. Imagine North's surprise when that contract makes for 550 East-West!