One of my big pet peeves is the notion of putting a number of points on a 2 opening. As you can see, I refuse to put a range onto the convention card.
If balanced, I can easily give you a range. Since I would open 2NT with 20-21, I have to open 2 with 22+. So, when balanced with 22 or more, the opening bid is 2
(followed by a rebid of 2NT or 3NT). [Kokish relay is not part of LC Standard.]
If unbalanced, the HCP range is a matter of judgement. I do need some aces and kings--I wouldn't open 2 with, say 10 spades to the AKQJ and no other high cards. I would open 2
with this "18" point hand:
A K Q 10 8 7 6
A Q 3 2
K 2
. I couldn't stand the thought of 1-P-P-P. I would not open 2
with this "22" count:
It will be too hard to show this hand after starting with 2; I'll risk that it doesn't go 1
I am strongly against step or control responses (they take up too much space and often wrong-side the contract). While I don't mind using 2 as an immediate "bust," I prefer:
2=Waiting (0+ HCP -- any distribution). This leaves room for opener to further describe his hand.
When would I not respond with the catch-all/waiting 2? Only with a good hand and a good suit. By good, I mean 8+ HCP and a decent (two+ top honors) 5+ card suit. So, I would respond 2
to 2
with, say:
After the 2 waiting bid, opener's rebids (other than in notrump) are a one-round force. The only way to stop short of game (other than 2
-2NT) is if responder offers a "2nd negative." After opener bids a suit, the cheapest new suit on the 3-level is When a suit is bid but says nothing about the holding in that suit artificial and allows responder to pass if opener repeats his suit. Examples of auctions with 2nd negatives where the partnership can stop below game:
These "stop in a partscore" auctions come up once a decade.
If responder does anything other than issue a 2nd negative, the partnership is forced to game. If responder uses a 2nd negative and then repeats his "suit," it is natural. For example, 2-2
means: "I am cancelling the 2nd negative and showing you that I really have clubs" -- something like:
J 4 3 2
K J 9 8 7 6
If responder raises opener's rebid, the principle of fast arrival is used. So, 2-2
is weak (maybe
Q432), while 2
is stronger (maybe
In Competition
Responder's double of an overcall shows a terrible hand (0-3). Pass by responder shows a game-forcing hand. Responder's free bid shows 8+ HCP and a good 5+card suit. If they overcall and opener doubles, it is takeout.
For a complete LC Standard card and a prettier version of these articles, visit Bridge Winners.
Additional Reading: