An unusal number

An unusal number

In the 2001 U.S. Team Trials I held this ordinary-looking hand:

Q J 4
A J 9 8 7
10 9 8
5 3

Vulnerable against not, my partner, David Berkowitz opened 1NT. Our range is 14-16. My first move was easy, I bid 2 which we play as a "relay" to 2. Partner was forced to bid 2 and I had a decision. Should I invite game (via 2NT)? My spots were excellent, and vulnerable at IMPs it pays to bid aggressive games. But, as we accept with most 15's, I didn't want to reach game with two balanced hands totaling only 23 HCP. So, I passed.

My expert LHO balanced with 3 . I was planning on doubling this, but David continued with 3 . Now, I knew he had a good hand for hearts (after all, he bid 3 vulnerable when I could have had five small hearts and nothing else). There was also a good chance he had only a doubleton diamond, which would fit well with my hand. (Picture, for example: Kxxx KQxx xx AKx, and game is superb).

So, I raised to 4. The opponents had "balanced us into game." This isn't a normal occurrence in expert circles. The auction wasn't over. My LHO doubled 4, and my partner redoubled!

This was the full deal :

Vul: N-S
Dlr: South
Q J 4
A J 9 8 7
10 9 8
5 3
8 7 5 2
K 5 3
K J 8 7 5
A 10
Q J 7 6 5 4
Q 10 9 2
K 9 6 3
Q 10 6 2
A K 3
A 4
1NT (14-16)
Pass4!DoubleRedouble !!

Notice that East-West would have done well to sacrifice in 5 X, which probably goes down only 2 (-300). Against 4 , West led his singleton diamond, to dummy's 10, East's jack and David's ace. With the aid of the heart finesse, David drew trumps and knocked out the A. He threw one of dummy's clubs on his spades and eventually picked up the diamonds to make 12 tricks! What's the score for 4 XX vulnerable with 2 overtricks? An astounding 1880. Our teammates were -680, and we won 15 unusual (undeserved?) IMPs.