Weak Two Bids

By: Larry Cohen

Weak Two Bids

I'm not a big Flannery fan. I like weak 2-bids in diamonds (as well as in the majors, of course).

The range shown is 5-11. I am big on partnership discussion of style. The vulnerability and suit-quality are crucial. I would not open with this 5-count at any colors: J 6 5 4 3 2
4 3 2
7 6
. I would open 2 with this 5-count if not vulnerable: A J 10 9 8 3
7 6 5
6 4 2.
I would open this 10-count with 2: K Q 9 8 7 4
4 2
K 9 2
Q 2.

Any partnership needs to know the style of each player. In LC STANDARD, a side (poor) four-card major is possible, but not likely. A side ace or side void is also possible if the hand is in the 5-11 range.

New suits are forcing as is 2NT (which asks for a Feature). Show a Conventional 2NT response to a weak two-bid that asks opener to show a high card in a side suit if he is not with a minimum preempt Feature only if opener isn't minimum. A Conventional 2NT response to a weak two-bid that asks opener to show a high card in a side suit if he is not with a minimum preempt Feature is usually an ace or king, but could be made with other holdings if stuck. A Conventional 2NT response to a weak two-bid that asks opener to show a high card in a side suit if he is not with a minimum preempt Feature is never a void or a small singleton.

A raise is not forcing--and can be quite weak. Raising from two to three is just a Theory that suggest the total number of trumps on a deal will approximately equal the total number of tricks. LAW of Total Tricks bid, typically based on three-card support.

If the opponents overcall our weak 2-bid, double is for pure penalties (a rare part of the game where double actually means business).

There are many fancy gadgets and options available after the opponents make a takeout double, but none are part of LC Standard.

For a complete LC Standard card and a prettier version of this series, see Bridge Winners.

Additional Reading:

What Should We Play