Results for Set 48
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#1) West deals, North-South Vul. (North bids 1, South bids 2)
762 AKQJ872 2 32 | 4 53 AKJ1076 AQ54 |
Deal 1 Scores:
4: 10
5: 8
6: 7
Partscores: 2
Slam has play, but isn't odds on. West is too strong to preempt, so should open 1. North overcalls, East bids 2 and over South's 2, West will rebid 3 or 4. It seems fairly normal to play in a heart game. At the table (this deal is from a Nebraska Regional, 11 tricks were the limit).
#2) West deals, East-West Vul. (North Doubles)
AKQ742 6 82 J982 | 8653 A2 AK4 A1054 |
Deal 2 Scores:
6: 10
6: 8
5: 7
4NT: 5
5: 4
The key to slam is the club intermediates. Take away any of the J/10/9 in clubs and slam isn't so good.
After 1 (X), East redoubles. West is likely to bid 2 right away (this shows 6+ spades and a minimum). East would now like to make a cue-bid raise, but there is no cue-bid available! Maybe East should avoid this problem by raising spades the first time, presumably with 2NT to show a limit-raise or better.
#3) East Deals, Both Vul.
QJ108765 87 109 102 | -- 63 KQJ54 AKQJ43 |
Deal 3 Scores:
4: 10
4: 7
2: 6
3: 5
5: 2
If East opens 1, he is committing to reversing--I think he is worth it. Playing weak-jump shifts, West could respond 2, which will annoy East to no end. Will West ever stop bidding spades? Will the partnership be able to stop in a club partial? This is a tough one.
#4) West deals, East-West Vul.
10832 A765 10 A872 | A9 K10 AJ84 J10954 |
Deal 4 Scores:
5: 10
4: 8
2NT: 7
3NT: 4
The auction will start in one of two ways:
1) 1-1-1NT or
2) 1-1-2
After the latter, West might raise to 3C, but that will be the end.
After the former, West might pass or raise clubs--still missing the decent club game (which would have made when this deal was played).
***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***