Results for Set 45
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#1) North deals, E-W Vul. [North opens 1]
K 9 8 5 4 Q 3 K 9 8 6 3 2 | A 6 A J 5 2 K Q J 8 A 10 4 |
Deal 1 Scores:
Most Easts will double (as opposed to making a trap pass at these colors). What will West respond? If it is 4, East won't be happy--and won't know if he should pass or not. West could respond in clubs, hoping to bid spades later. This one is totally unpredictable--there is no right or wrong.
#2) East deals, Both Vul.
6 5 A J 6 5 A K 10 5 4 A 3 | A K 10 3 K Q 7 2 6 K J 6 2 |
Deal 2 Scores:
With such a good hand, West should respond 1 to 1 (there is no need to distort--West can always get the hearts in later). East will bid 1 and now West can use 4th suit forcing (some use 1, others 2 in this situation). West will raise hearts at his next turn and both players have beautiful hands for slam.
#3) East Deals, Nobody Vul.
A 10 J 9 8 6 4 K 9 5 A 10 2 | K 7 6 A K Q 2 A Q 6 2 7 5 |
Deal 3 Scores:
A normal start is 1-1-3. West surely has slam interest at this point. I like a 3 control-bid, over which East will control bid 4. West now will likely use RKC and will have go guess whether to settle for 6 or reach very optimistically for 7.
#4) West deals, Both Vul.
A K Q 6 5 7 6 J K Q 8 6 4 | 2 A K 9 2 A K Q 8 7 2 5 3 |
Deal 4 Scores:
After 1-2-3, East has a tough call. He is too heavy for only 3NT, so might try 4NT if quantitative. Also, he could rebid the diamonds (assuming a 2/1 GF auction) or bid 3. The huge key to this deal is West's J--without it, no slam would be good.
***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***