
By: Larry Cohen


### wrote: & Larry: & & Marty and I had a bidding misunderstanding yesterday that cost us a Swiss match. We've played on and off for 40 years, both from North Jersey bridge group. ... Anyway, both vulnerable, I opened 1 with A J x x x
A x
A J x x x
Marty bid 1 NT (NF) I bid 2 and LHO went X. Marty now XX which he meant to show club support and I assumed meant that his values were in the unbid suits. (He had : K x
Q x x x x
K x x x x
The bidding then proceeded 3 (RHO), P (me, waiting clarification), P, 3 (Marty), P, 4, P, P.

Believing Marty's 3 was competitive (if he had 3 he'd not have bid 1NT obviously, and his XX showed strength in the other suits,) I went X which ended the auction. A defensive mishap after a declarer misplay allowed them to make 4 on a 3-suit cross ruff. This sequence has never come up to my recall. Should I have known Marty's XX showed good support? & & Allan

Hi Allan,Tough question as this redouble (of 2) does not come up very often.I don't think it is covered anywhere in "the book," but since the double was takeout (diamonds/hearts), I don't think it makes sense for the redouble to also be takeout/S.O.S. Accordingly, I'd guess redouble is a maximum for clubs. I'm not 100% on this.Say Hi to Marty for me.Larry