What's more important? To be good at logic or to know your percentages? I'd say, the former—by far.
Sure, it is nice to know that a finesse is 50-50 – but who doesn't know that? If you are in an 8-card fit, they rate to break 3-2. A 4-1 break is less likely. There are a few basic percentage situations that most of you know in your sleep. How about this one:
A J 10
6 5 3
You need 2 tricks. You finesse twice. Your chance of success is roughly 75%. You fail only when the king-queen are both wrong. You make when they are both right, or just the king is right, or just the queen is right – 3 out of 4.
But, other than the basics, it is rare that you will need to have a tricky percentage table memorized. This deal from the 2008 Cavendish shows that logical ability is far more important than mathematical memory:
Vul: Dlr: | DUMMY
| lt;td | gt; | lt;/td | gt; | |||
lt;td | gt; | lt;/td | gt; | DECLARER
| lt;td | gt; | lt;/td | gt; |
Half the field reached 6, half stopped in 5
. In both cases, the opening lead was a low club. How do you play each contract (overtricks are not important at this IMP form of scoring)?
Let's start with 6. In general, I find the higher the contract, the easier the plan. There aren't many tricks to be lost, so there are fewer variables.
In 6 a club is led and you should start by thinking about the trump suit. What if they split 3-0? If so, you have "0" chance to make your slam. You will lose a trump trick and at least one in the majors. No matter which major you throw on the clubs, you have to still lose a trick(s) in the other major. (Yes,
KJ doubleton onside would let you make it, so maybe "0" was a slight underbid).
So, assume diamonds are 2-1 for you to have a realistic chance. Accordingly, after you draw trump, you will have a late dummy entry in diamonds. Does that help?
It should. You have the entries to take two heart finesses. Win the A at trick one (throwing a spade). Run the
J (if East covers, you are home). When it loses, win any return (a major-suit return would let you claim) and draw trump. Cross to dummy with the
9 and throw your other spade on the other top club. Repeat the heart finesse. Assuming 2-1 trumps, this is a 75% line. You will fail only if both heart honors are wrong.
Now, let's try 5 on that same club lead. Any difference? You bet. Now, if diamonds are 2-1, you are 100% cold. You have 7 diamond tricks and 4 more in aces and kings. So, assume diamonds are 3-0. If they are, you will not have that late dummy entry. You will not be able to take two heart finesses. Accordingly, you should use your one dummy entry to take a spade finesse—a 50% chance. Take the
AK throwing hearts. Then finesse the spade. If it loses (and diamonds are 3-0) you will still survive if the
J is doubleton. If the spade finesse wins, you make your contract even with 3-0 diamonds.
On the actual deal, trumps were 2-1, the KJxx were offside and the heart honors were split. Following the recommended lines would produce 12 tricks in 6
, and 11 tricks in 5
. Accurate bidding and play! No math needed.
Updated: November 2020