Partner Problems and Puppet Stayman

By: Larry Cohen

Partner Problems and Puppet Stayman

Hi Larry,

I have two problem hands and I hope I am not imposing upon your kindness.

My Thursday partner held this hand 7 4 2 A K 9 8 2 6 3 A 3 2.

I held A 5 10 A K Q J 8 2 K 6 5 4

Our bidding went: 1 by partner- 3 -4

Can you tell me how you would bid this?

The second problem was

North A K 9 7 A K J 9 A K 5 J 2

I (South) had Q 8 4 2 6 5 3 Q 4 K Q 10 6

We play Puppet stayman. North bid 2 . I said 2 .North said 2 NT (doesn’t this deny 5 of a major).I said 3 (isn’t this regular stayman)North said 3 . I said 3 NT.

I truly appreciate your help.

Thanks so much,


Hi Fran,

No problem "imposing".

#1)Your 3 bid is slightly aggressive (since it is game forcing), but I think it is okay.

Did your partner really bid 4 ? Well, that is obviously a misbid. A jump rebid in a 5-card suit? I suppose your partner didn't realize that there were other forcing bids available, so came up with that panicky jump. A Responder's return to opener's first suit without primary support false preference to 3D (forcing) would be preferable. So, the auction could go:1D 1H3C 3D3N -- that's the start -- maybe partner would take one more try for slam (maybe a quantitative raise to 4NT).#2)2C-2D-2NT does not deny a 5-card major. Either you play Puppet Stayman or you don't. If you play it over 1NT and 2NT, then it is also on after 2C-2D-2NT. The 2NT rebidder could have a 5-card major. You know that I bid notrump with 5-3-3-2 hands in range -- even if the major is the 5-card suit. So, I would bid 2C-2D-2NT with, say:AQJxxKQxKJxAQBest wishes and regards to Paul.Larry