
By: Larry Cohen


Namyats is a convention that employs a 4-of-a-minor opening to show a strong 4-of-a-major opening.

4 = A strong 4 opening

4 = A strong 4 opening

What does "strong" mean? Let's assume you deal with nobody vulnerable. Consider these two hands:

A) 5
K Q J 10 7 6 5 3
4 3
5 4

B) --
A Q J 10 8 7 6 2
K Q 2
4 3

With both hands, you'd like to preempt 4 to make it difficult on the opponents. The first hand is somewhat normal, but the 2nd hand is really too good to preempt--you could easily miss a slam. Playing Standard, I'd open Hand A) with 4, but Hand B) with 1.

Playing Namyats, you still open Hand A) with 4, but can open Hand B) with 4 to tell partner you have "extra."

The exact amount of extra depends on vulnerability and position. If vulnerable, a 4-level preempt is sound to begin with, so a Conventional 4C or 4D opening to show a strong 4H or 4S opening, correspondingly Namyats opening would be even better than sound. Still, the hand can't be too strong; I would open 2, not Conventional 4C or 4D opening to show a strong 4H or 4S opening, correspondingly Namyats (4) with: A K Q J 8 7 6 2
A 3


After a Conventional 4C or 4D opening to show a strong 4H or 4S opening, correspondingly Namyats opening, the partner has several choices. With no slam interest, he will sign-off in 4-of-the-shown major. With mild slam interest, he can bid the in-between-step. For example, after a 4 opening, say responder holds: A 8 7 6 5
A J 5 4
K 8 3
. He can bid 4 to say : Pard, I am mildly interested--if you have a little extra, please cooperate with me. This bid says nothing about diamonds--it is completely artificial. The partner of a Conventional 4C or 4D opening to show a strong 4H or 4S opening, correspondingly Namyats opener can also use Blackwood, control-bid, or just bid a slam.

When is it on?

The partnership must discuss if this is on in all 4 seats. Also, you lose the ability to open a 4-level preempt in a minor. Some pairs using Conventional 4C or 4D opening to show a strong 4H or 4S opening, correspondingly Namyats play that a 3NT opener shows a 4-of-a-minor preempt.

In case you haven't noticed, if you spell Conventional 4C or 4D opening to show a strong 4H or 4S opening, correspondingly Namyats backwards, you will see a very familiar convention.

Updated: June ,2012