Kokish Relay (invented by Canadian star, Eric Kokish) is used by a 2 opening bidder.
In this system, after 2-2
(waiting), opener has several ways to show strong balanced hands.
-2NT shows 22-23/24 (more than a 2NT 20-21 opener).
is When a suit is bid but says nothing about the holding in that suit artificial and requests that the responder bids 2
after which:
2NT=24/25+ Balanced and forcing
The ranges shown are approximate. The point is that with a huge balanced hand worthy of game, opener doesn't have to eat up space by jumping to 3NT. He can Puppet to 2 (via 2
) and then bid 2NT which is now forcing (responder must bid even with 0 points). Responder can use Conventional response to notrump to ask about majors Stayman and Transfers on the 3-level.
What does opener do with an actual heart suit? He bids 2 and then after the 2
Puppet, he bids something other than 2NT. If he repeats the hearts it shows a 6+ card suit. If he bids a new suit, it shows that suit and hearts. So, for example, 2
shows 5+ hearts and 4+ clubs (forcing)--it "cancels the message of the Kokish relay."
Using this system, 2-2
-3NT can be used to show a "trick-taking" hand such as:
K 2
K 8 2
A K Q 8 7 6
The 2 bid (and subsequent 2
Puppet) are alertable.
Last updated: June 2012