Is this a Practical Joke?

By: Larry Cohen

Is this a Practical Joke?

Would you think this is a practical joke? Neither side vulnerable, you hold:

♥ AK
♦ A10
♣ AKQ.

If that isn't enough of a great hand, watch what happens.

LHO passes and your partner puts out the STOP card and bids...2! Yes. SPADES.

That is exactly what happened in the 2017 Team Trials. This was the full deal:

Dir: West
♥ J4
♦ K32
♣ 98
♥ 109
♦ J98754
♣ 105432
♥ Q876532
♦ Q6
♣ J76
♥ AK
♦ A10

At most tables, over North's 2 South raised directly to 7. Some started with 2NT and scientifically reached 7NT. At a few tables, North didn't preempt, but East did.

Over East's 3, South doubled. West raised to 4 and North volunteered 4. Now, South jumped directly to 7.

What a once-in-a-lifetime situation for South to have that hand and see those auctions!