LC105 Over My Shoulder Defense 1 of 6 Deal 2 of 4

This quiz corresponds with Larry's Video Bridge Lesson on Defense. You can purchase that here. 

As West, at favorable vulnerability, you hold:

♠ 96  
♥ 732  
♦ AJ83  
♣ AKQ9.

  • RHO deals and opens 1♠. And you?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    4. -


    5. -


    6. -


    7. -


    Answer: 1

    Pass. If you double and partner bids spades, you will be stuck (not enough to bid again and you don't want to be in a 4-2 fit). Don't overcall on the two level with a 4-card suit.

    Your result so far:
  • LHO's 2♠ is raised to 4♠ and it is your lead...

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    4. -


    5. -


    Answer: 4

    ♠A. While anything might work, it is hard not to lead our AKQ suit. From AK, we lead the ace.

    Your result so far:
  • The first trick goes as shown below.

    What do you play to trick 2?

    Choose One:
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    2. -


    3. -


    4. -


    5. -


    6. -


    7. -


    Answer: 2

    ♠. There is no need to try to take any tricks in a hurry (where are they going?). There is a need to try to prevent declarer from trumping losing diamonds in the dummy.

    Your result so far:
  • Everyone follows to the heart (declarer wins dummy's ♠8). Next comes a diamond as shown:

    Now what?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    4. -


    Answer: 2

    ♠. For all the same reasons as at trick two, we play more trumps.

    Your result so far:
  • These are the remaining cards when you play the second round of trump.

    The result will be?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    Answer: 2

    Down. Declarer has to lose too many diamond tricks. Your accurate trump plays were needed to set the contract.

    This was the full deal:

    Please click here to play Practice Deal #3.

    Your result so far: