LC105 Over My Shoulder Defense 1 of 6 Deal 1 of 4

This quiz corresponds with Larry's Video Bridge Lesson on Defense. You can purchase that here. 

With neither side vulnerable, you hold as East:

♠ 10943  
♥ AJ10  
♦ AQ10  
♣ 984.

  • LHO responds 1♠ and opener rebids 1♠. And now?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    Answer: 1

    Pass. Of course.

    Your result so far:
  • LHO invites with 3♠ and RHO accepts as shown. Against 4♠, partner leads the ♠3:

    Dummy plays low and your queen wins as shown below. Now what?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    4. -


    5. -

    ♠J or ♠10

    6. -


    Answer: 1

    ♠A. Sure, why not? Trying to stop diamond ruffs won't work. Surely, for his invitational 3♠ bid, declarer has the ♠A. Between the clubs and/or the spades, he will be able to throw any diamond losers. Besides, you have something else in mind...

    Your result so far:
  • Everyone follows to the ♠A as shown. What should you have in mind for trick 3?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -

    ♠J or ♠10

    4. -


    5. -


    6. -


    Answer: 1

    ♠10. Partner must have the ♠J (he wouldn't lead low from all low cards). Also, declarer must have another diamond (if partner started with 6, he has led the wrong card; he led the ♠3. If he had 6 cards in diamonds, his 4th highest couldn't be the 3--there aren't 2 cards underneath it. We don't have negative numbers in bridge).

    By playing another diamond, you force declarer to trump in dummy. This will create an extra trump trick for you.

    Your result so far:
  • After declarer trumps your diamond in dummy (that trick is shown), he leads dummy's remaining low heart. And you play?


    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -

    ♠J or ♠10

    3. -


    Answer: 2

    ♠J or ♠10. Declarer will have to win in hand and lose 2 more trump tricks for down 1.

    This was the full deal:

    Your play of three rounds of diamonds was the winning defense. Anything else lets declarer throw a diamond on a spade and lead up twice to his hearts.

    Please click here to play Practice Deal #2.

    Your result so far: