When Does Bidding Notrump Promise a Stopper(s)

This topic is covered here.

This is the corresponding quiz.

  • After this start, which (if any) of the shown hands are appropriate for 1NT by South?

    WestNorthEastSouth (You)
     Pass  1♠ 1♠   1NT


    ♠ Q1054  
    ♥ 54  
    ♦ Q1032  
    ♣ KJ2


    ♠ A2  
    ♥ K765  
    ♦ Q432  
    ♣ 765



    ♠ 87  
    ♥ Q102  
    ♦ K732  
    ♣ K765



    ♠ AJ2  
    ♥ Q5  
    ♦ 108765  
    ♣ J42


    Choose One:
    1. -

    None of them

    2. -

    All of them

    3. -

    Only one of them

    4. -

    Two of them

    5. -

    Three of them

    Answer: 4

    Two of them -- #1 and #4

    #1- Normal 1NT bid with spades stopped
    #2 - Better to use a Negative Double to show the 4 hearts
    #3 - No Spade stopper (I would raise to 2♠ as the least of evils)
    #4 - 1NT is the best description (more accurate than 2♠)

    Your result so far:
  • After this start, which (if any) of the shown hands are appropriate for 2NT by South?

    WestNorthEastSouth (You)
     Pass  1♠ 1♠  2NT


    ♠ 542 
    ♥ A5 
    ♦ Q1032  
    ♣ KQ32


    ♠ K2  
    ♥ KJ65  
    ♦ Q102 
    ♣ Q1097



    ♠ A876 
    ♥ Q102  
    ♦ K7 
    ♣ Q765



    ♠ AJ2  
    ♥ KQ5  
    ♦ Q765  
    ♣ Q42


    Choose One:
    1. -

    None of Them

    2. -

    All of Them

    3. -

    1 of Them

    4. -

    2 of Them

    5. -

    3 of Them

    Answer: 3

    Only Hand #2 is acceptable.
    #1) This hand is better suited to a diamond raise (cuebid 2♠ or raise to 3♠--however your partnership shows an invitational raise). This is a better description than 2NT with only Ax as a stopper and great diamond support.
    #2) Perfect.
    #3) A Negative Double with 4 spades is a better choice.
    #4) Too strong for an invitational 2NT. The correct bid is 3NT.

    Your result so far:
  • After this start, which (if any) of the shown hands are appropriate for 3NT by South (nobody vulnerable)?

    WestNorthEastSouth (You)
     Pass  Pass 3♠ 3NT?


    ♠ A105 
    ♥ K4  
    ♦ Q103 
    ♣ AKQJ9


    ♠ AQ42  
    ♥ K765  
    ♣ AK87



    ♠ AKQ 
    ♥ Q1032  
    ♦ 32  
    ♣ KQJ9



    ♠ K
    ♥ Q52 
    ♦ K5  
    ♣ AKQ9875


    Choose One:
    1. -

    All of Them.

    2. -

    None of Them.

    3. -

    1 of Them.

    4. -

    2 of Them.

    5. -

    3 of Them.

    Answer: 4

    Hands #1 and #4 are appropriate for a 3NT overcall.
    #1) Sure, you'll need something in dummy to make it, but with 19HCP and a diamond stopper, you are the one to bid notrump.
    #2) Sure, you have diamonds stopped, but a Takeout Double is the correct action.
    #3) No diamond stopper. Make a Takeout Double.
    #4) Yes--3NT. If you don't bid it, who will? A good partner will have just enough help (and even if he doesn't, the opponents might no find the right defense).

    Your result so far:
  • After this start, which (if any) of the shown hands are appropriate for 2NT by South?

    WestNorthEastSouth (You)
    Pass 1♠ Pass 1♠
    Pass 2♠ Pass 2NT?


    ♠ Q10543 
    ♥ K2 
    ♦ 32  
    ♣ J1087


    ♠ AKJ7
    ♥ KJ5  
    ♦ Q32  
    ♣ 865



    ♠ KQJ1087
    ♥ Q102  
    ♦ 32  
    ♣ K5



    ♠ AQJ92  
    ♥ A5  
    ♦ J105  
    ♣ J42


    Choose One:
    1. -

    All of Them.

    2. -

    None of Them.

    3. -

    1 of Them.

    4. -

    2 of Them.

    5. -

    3 of Them.

    Answer: 2

    None of Them.
    #1) Too weak. Just pass 2♠.
    #2) Too strong. Bid 3NT.
    #3) Too spade-oriented. Bid 3♠ Invitational.
    #4) Too strong and too wrong. Bid the 4th suit (2♠) and await developments (you can always bid notrump later).

    Your result so far:
  • None vul. After this start, which (if any) of the shown hands are appropriate for 3NT by South?

    WestNorthEastSouth (You)
     2♠  2♠ 3♠  3NT


    ♠ Q1054  
    ♥ A4  
    ♦ Q1032  
    ♣ 872


    ♠ A2  
    ♥ KQ10 
    ♦ Q432  
    ♣ K865



    ♠ Q7  
    ♥ A2  
    ♦ KJ932  
    ♣ K1065



    ♠ J2  
    ♥ K5  
    ♦ J8765  
    ♣ K842


    Choose One:
    1. -

    All of Them

    2. -

    None of Them

    3. -

    1 of Them

    4. -

    2 of Them

    5. -

    3 of Them

    Answer: 3

    One of Them (#2)
    #1) A raise to 3♠ is the best choice.
    #2) 3NT is perfect.
    #3) 3NT is possible, but with a shaky stopper and nice suit playability, a Responsive Double is best.
    #4) Not enough for anything but a Pass.

    Your result so far:
  • With which of these hands is it ok to open 1NT?



    ♠ Q10982  
    ♥ J2  
    ♦ AJ10  
    ♣ AK2


    ♠ AQ  
    ♥ KJ53  
    ♦ AQ872  
    ♣ 32


    ♠ 54  
    ♥ K82  
    ♦ AK  
    ♣ AJ8765


    ♠ KQ1098  
    ♥ AJ54  
    ♦ K8  
    ♣ K5

    Choose One:
    1. -

    All of Them

    2. -

    None of Them

    3. -

    1 of Them

    4. -

    2 of Them

    5. -

    3 of Them

    Answer: 5

    3 of Them (1, 2 and 3). 

    Reminder: Opening 1NT does NOT promise stoppers in every suit. 

    1. Sure, we have 15 points and a balanced hand. We run into a rebid problem if we open 1♠

    2. Yes, we have a rebid problem again if we open 1♠ and partner bids 1♠ or 1NT. 

    3. Yes, 1NT is a better description than opening 1♠ and jumping to 3♠. We wouldn't be happy playing 3♠ opposite a small singleton if partner has a 5 or 6 card major. 

    4. No, we don't have a rebid problem here. If we open 1♠, we can rebid 2♠ later or make a game try if partner raises. 

    Your result so far: