The most important decision in any trump contract is: "Should I draw trumps as my first move, or do something else."
Some (not a complete list) reasons to postpone trump drawing:
1) Need to trump losers in dummy
2) Need to set up (or take) a discard
3) Need trump in dummy for entries
If there is no reason not to draw trump, then draw them.
This is just a one-paragraph summary of a subject that is covered in entire books!
Try your hand at the following 5 layouts.
KQ3 A KQ1075 J763 |
AJ1076 654 AJ3 K2 |
You receive a heart lead against 6.
Will you draw all the trump right away?
2. No. If you draw trump and then run diamonds (throwing your hearts), you will be at the mercy of the A being in front of the king (a 50-50 chance). Better is to cross to your hand at trick 2 (let's say with a to the ace) and trump a heart high. Then play the other high spade and draw trump ending in hand. You will throw one heart and one club on the long diamonds, to take 12 tricks. Only a 5-0 split in spades or diamonds would ruin this plan. The full deal:
KQ3 A KQ1075 J763 |
4 QJ1072 9842 A108 |
9852 K983 6 Q954 |
AJ1076 654 AJ3 K2 |
KQ3 A KQ1075 Q873 |
AJ1076 654 AJ3 K4 |
You are in 6 and receive a heart lead.
Should you draw trumps right away?
1 Yes. You can draw trump and then run diamonds. On the diamonds you throw both losing hearts from your hand. You knock out the A and have 12 easy tricks. There is no need to first try to trump hearts in dummy.
The full deal:
KQ3 A KQ1075 Q873 |
9854 KQ1072 -- J1052 |
2 J983 98642 A96 |
AJ1076 654 AJ3 K4 |
KQ3 A J875 Q7642 |
AJ1076 7642 643 A |
Against 4, you receive a heart lead.
Should you draw all the trumps right away?
2 No. If you draw trump, what will you do with all of your red-suit losers? In fact, drawing trump will likely lead to down 3! Be happy you didn't receive a trump lead. This is a cross-ruff hand. Play a club at trick two and trump a heart with dummy's 3 (saving the high ones for later). Trump a club with the 6 and trump another heart. Trump a spade with the 7 (you have to take a chance that LHO didn't start with a doubleton). If you panic and trump high, you will end up with the 7 as a loser at the end. Once the second ruff (low) in hand lives, you are home free. Trump your last heart in dummy and your AJ10 are high. You lose only 3 diamond tricks. Don't ask how we got so high!
The full deal:
KQ3 A J875 Q7642 |
952 QJ109 K102 J93 |
84 K853 AQ9 K1085 |
AJ1076 7642 643 A |
KQ3 A 762 Q109653 |
AJ1098 53 J3 AK42 |
In your local duplicate game, you receive a heart lead against 4.
Should you draw all of the trump right away?
2 No. Sure, you can draw trump and take 12 easy tricks--2 overtricks. But, why not take 13 (3 overtricks) for a better matchpoint score? At trick 2, play the 3 to the 8 (a club would be risky as they might be 3-0). Trump a heart in dummy. Overtake dummy's last trump to draw trump (even a 5-0 break won't hurt). Then run the clubs to throw both diamond losers, making 7 for a good board. The full deal:
KQ3 A 762 Q109653 |
764 KQJ102 K985 8 |
52 98764 AQ104 J7 |
AJ1098 53 J3 AK42 |
KQ10 A 876 A76543 |
AJ9876 65 K1043 8 |
A heart is led against your 4 contract.
Should you draw trump right away? If not, what is your plan?
Yes (Draw trump right away).
No -- try to trump a heart in dummy first.
No -- try to set up the clubs first.
3. Trumping a heart in dummy is a reasonable thought, but you'd still need to do something with all the diamonds. Better is to try to use dummy's clubs. At trick 2, play the A and trump a club. If they are 5-1, abandon that suit and trump your heart in dummy. But, if everyone follows to the second club, cross to dummy in spades and trump another club. If they are 3-3, you have 3 good clubs in dummy for discards. If trump are 2-2, you can even ruff your heart in dummy and make 12 tricks. If clubs are 4-2, cross again in trump and ruff the clubs good. Even if trump are 3-1, you still have 2 good clubs in dummy to throw losers.
The full deal:
KQ10 A 876 A76543 |
542 J1087 AQJ9 KJ |
3 KQ9432 52 Q1092 |
AJ9876 65 K1043 8 |
Here is how the play would go (declarer takes the first 10 tricks):
T2-3) A-club ruff
T4) to dummy
T5) ruff
T6) to dummy
T7) ruff with A
T8) Declarer's last spade to dummy's last spade
T9-10) Good clubs