On the Other Hand

This quiz has 4 deals (2 pairs of 2) from the new Larry Cohen & David Bird book, "On the Other Hand."

Each pair shows 2 very similar deals, but the line of play required is different. The reader needs to understand why the 2 deals in the pair are different.

In this quiz, you can try the first and then the second deal in both pairs.

If you like the quiz, you'll love the book -- On the Other Hand.

  • As South, you open 1♠ and after West's 1♠ overcall, partner, North (the eventual dummy) makes a negative double. You end up in 4♠ with the ♠Q lead.


    ♠ AKJ3
    ♥ A82
    ♦ 85
    ♣ 6543



    ♠ Q1098
    ♥ 76
    ♦ AK732
    ♣ K9

    Let's say you win the ♠A at trick 1.

    Should you next:


    Choose One:
    1. -

    Draw 1 round of trump (all follow)?

    2. -

    Draw 2 rounds of trump (they turn out to be 4-1)

    3. -

    Draw all of the trump

    4. -

    Don't touch trump, but give up a heart at trick 2.

    5. -

    Don't touch trump, but play a club towards the king at trick 2.

    6. -

    Don't touch trump, but lay down the ♠AK at tricks 2-3.

    Answer: 6

    The full deal is shown below.
    Click here for an excerpt from the book describing this deal.

      ♠ AKJ3
    ♥ A82
    ♦ 85
    ♣ 6543
    ♠ 5
    ♥ QJ1095
    ♦ J964
    ♣ AQ10
      ♠ 7642
    ♥ K43
    ♦ Q10
    ♣ J872
      ♠ Q1098
    ♥ 76
    ♦ AK732
    ♣ K9

    Incidentally, a trump lead (or if you duck the heart lead and allow a trump shift) would set the contract.

    Your result so far:
  • This time you (South) open 1♠ but LHO overcalls 3♠. Again. partner (North) makes a negative double. This time you end up in 6♠ with the ♠Q lead. Should you:

    ♠ AKJ3
    ♥ A5
    ♦ 85
    ♣ QJ1084


    SOUTH-- (you)
    ♠ Q1098
    ♥ K7
    ♦ AK732
    ♣ K9

    Choose One:
    1. -

    Win the ♠K and draw all the trump (even if they are 4-1).

    2. -

    Win the ♠A and draw all the trump (even if they are 4-1).

    3. -

    Win the ♠K and don't touch trump. Play the ♠AK at tricks 2-3.

    4. -

    Win the ♠A and don't touch trump. Play the ♠AK at tricks 2-3.

    5. -

    Win the ♠K and start clubs.

    6. -

    Win the ♠A and start clubs.

    Answer: 1

    The full deal is shown below.
    Click here for an excerpt from the book describing this deal.

      ♠ AKJ3
    ♥ A5
    ♦ 85
    ♣ QJ1084
    ♠ 5
    ♥ QJ109843
    ♦ 4
    ♣ A653
      ♠ 7642
    ♥ 62
    ♦ QJ1096
    ♣ 72
      ♠ Q1098
    ♥ K7
    ♦ AK732
    ♣ K9
    Your result so far:
  • West (your LHO) opens with a weak 2♠. Your partner doubles and after RHO passes, you jump to 4♠ and get the ♠A lead. West continues with the ♠K (east signalling a doubleton) and then plays the ♠J.

    Do you:

    North (Dummy)
    ♠ KJ82
    ♥ AJ3
    ♦ Q6
    ♣ QJ52

    South (You)
    ♠ AQ965
    ♥ K76
    ♦ 543
    ♣ K3
    Choose One:
    1. -

    Trump high and then play dummy's other high trump.

    2. -

    Trump high and then play a low trump from dummy.

    3. -

    Trump with the ♠8 or ♠2.

    4. -

    Discard from dummy.

    5. -

    Trump high and then play a club.

    Answer: 2

    The full deal is shown below.
    Click here for an excerpt from the book describing this deal.

    ♠ KJ82
    ♥ AJ3
    ♦ Q6
    ♣ QJ52
    ♠ 10743
    ♥ 5
    ♦ AKJ1097
    ♣ 96
      ♠ --
    ♥ Q109842
    ♦ 82
    ♣ A10874
      ♠ AQ965
    ♥ K76
    ♦ 543
    ♣ K3
    Your result so far:
  • This time, you (South) open 1♠ and LHO (West) overcalls 2♠. You end up in 4♠ and again West leads out the ♠AKJ, and again East signals a doubleton.

    At Trick 3, do you:

    North -- Dummy
    ♠ K1042
    ♥ A93
    ♦ Q2
    ♣ A542
    South -- You
    ♠ AQ653
    ♥ K84
    ♦ 854
    ♣ KJ


    Choose One:
    1. -

    Trump with the ♠K and then play a low spade.

    2. -

    Trump with the ♠K and then play something other than a trump.

    3. -

    Trump with the ♠10 and if it wins, play more trump.

    4. -

    Trump with the ♠10 and if it wins, play something other than trump.

    5. -

    Trump with a low spade.

    6. -

    Discard a heart from dummy.

    7. -

    Something else.

    Answer: 6

    The full deal is shown below.
    Click here for an excerpt from the book describing this deal.

    ♠ K1042
    ♥ A93
    ♦ Q2
    ♣ A542
    ♠ 8
    ♥ QJ7
    ♦ AKJ1096
    ♣ Q109
      ♠ J97
    ♥ 10652
    ♦ 73
    ♣ 8763
      ♠ AQ653
    ♥ K84
    ♦ 854
    ♣ KJ
    Your result so far: