I am known to be a non-fan of conventions. KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetheart).
However, some of my readers just love conventions.
Here is a quiz to test your knowledge.
Click Here for Larry's new book on Conventions.
What is the name of the convention whereby West's Double below shows 3 cards in spades?
West | North | East | South |
1 | Pass | 1 | 2 |
Double |
Takeout Double
Negative Double
Support Double
Responsive Double
3 - Support Double. Opener's Double on the second round shows 3-card support for responder (raising would guarantee 4-card support).
With the hands and auction below, what convention do East-West seem to be employing?
Q76 KJ6 AK87 K32 |
52 A4 653 J109865 |
West | North | East | South |
1NT | 2 | 2NT | Pass |
3 | Pass | Pass | Pass |
Unusual Notrump
Puppet Stayman
Relay-Control steps
4 - lebensohl
Yes, with a lower-case "l." This convention uses a 2NT bid by responder (after a 1NT opening is overcalled) to relay to 3 (either to play, or as the start of a different description).
Interested in learning more about lebensohl? Check out Larry's Webinar.
What convention is West using if his 5 bid asks East how many of these 4 cards he holds: A, K, A, A?
West | North | East | South |
1 | Pass | 3 | Pass |
5 |
Roman Keycard Blackwood
Splinter Asks
Relay Step-Asking
Exclusion Keycard Blackwood
Splinter Bids
4 - Exclusion Keycard Blackwood
A jump above game (after a trump suit is agreed) is used to ask for Keycards excluding the suit jumped into. West might hold:
What kind of double is not illustrated in the auction below?
West | North | East | South |
1 | Double | 1 | Double |
Redouble |
Takeout Doubles
Negative Doubles
Responsive Doubles
Support Doubles & Redoubles
2 - Negative Double
A Negative Double is made by the responder (East in this auction) after an overcall. There was no overcall and East didn't double.
North's double was a Takeout Double.
South presumably made a Responsive Double.
West made a Support Redouble.
To read more about Doubles, see this book.
What is the convention being used by South here?
West | North | East | South |
1 | Pass | 4 |
Bergen Raise
Weak Jump Shift
Texas Transfer
This is a splinter bid, showing a singleton or void in the suit bid, 4-card support, and 10-14 HCP.
Interested in learning more about splinters? Check out Mike Lawrence's Webinar.
What is the name of the conventional bid shown?
West | North | East | South |
1 | 2 |
Michaels Cuebid
Western Cuebid
Eastern Cuebid
Unusual 2NT
Takeout Bid
This is a Michaels cuebid promising 5 spades and 5 of a minor in this situation. Michaels cuebids always promise 5 cards in any unbid major.
Which of the following is NOT a real convention used to interfere after the opponents open 1NT?
Fusilli is a type of pasta, not a bridge convention (yet). Michael Berkowitz did a webinar on interfering over 1NT which discussed many popular conventions here. You can purchase it here.
3 in the auction below shows a strong hand for spades. What convention is being played?
West | North | East | South |
1 | 2NT | 3 |
Splinter Bid
Unusual vs Unusual
Strong jump shift
Transfer over 2NT
Unusual vs Unusual. This is one variant. Partnership agreement is needed to know which cuebid corresponds to a raise and which corresponds to a strong hand for the other suit.
Want to learn more about Unusual vs. Unusual? Read Larry's Article here.