When learning Bridge, it can seem like there are millions of new terms that can be tough to follow. As you get better and better, the terms get more and more obscure. In this quiz, we'll start easy and then get to very tough vocabulary questions. Knowing these terms won't make you a better player, but it will help you follow bridge writing or high-level discussion.
What is a "pitch"?
A discard; when a player can't follow suit and doesn't use a trump card.
An expression for the level of the contract
An attempt to mislead your opponents
When partner throws their cards at you in disgust
What is it when defenders give up a "ruff and a slough" [also sometimes spelled sluff]?
Defenders have allowed the contract to make an overtrick
Defenders have set up one of the suits in dummy
Defenders have played a suit that both declarer and dummy are out of, allowing declarer to discard from one hand and ruff with the other.
Defenders have gotten upset and resorted to name calling
It's almost always wrong to play a suit that declarer and dummy are both out of if both declarer and dummy have trumps left.
What is "stripping the hand"?
Another term for "drawing trumps"
Coming down to just winners so that declarer can claim
Running suits to later force opponents to play a suit declarer would like
Unbuttoning one additional button along the neckline to distract the opponents
Running suits to later force opponents to play a suit declarer would like. This is often combined with "end play" or putting the opponents on lead to lead something favorable to declarer.
What is "double dummy"?
A dummy containing more values than anticipated
An analysis based on seeing all four hands
The result that should be attained on a given deal
When everyone plays as badly as possible
If there were two dummies and you held one of the other hands, you should be able to know what the fourth hand holds (the 13 missing cards). This is the type of analysis computers do, but it does NOT show what should happen on a given deal, just what everyone would do if they knew all of the cards.
What is a "two-way finesse"?
A position where declarer can finesse either opponent for a missing card
A finesse that will work if an opponent holds one of two cards
A finesse where declarer needs to lead towards a particular holding twice
A finesse that might work or it might not
A classic two way finesse is this spade suit:
If you guess West has the Q, you can cash the K and then lead low towards the J. If you think East has the queen, then you cash the ace and then lead the J and duck if East doesn't cover.
What is a "matchpoint"?
A substitute for masterpoints for non-ACBL events
An award for winning a team game
A unit of scoring based on comparing one pair's results on a board to results from pairs sitting the same direction and playing the same board
Credit for setting up a good partnership or shittach
Matchpoint scoring is frequently used in pairs events and is how those percentages are created. Each board is played a certain number of times. Pretend it's 8 times total. You played it once. It gets compared to 7 other pairs sitting your direction. If you did better than that pair, you get a matchpoint, if you tied that pair you get half a matchpoint, and if you did worse then you get nothing. For each board the most matchpoints you can get would be 7 and the fewest is 0. Your percentage is how many you actually won out of 7. 3.5 would be 50% for that board.