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Set 50 Results

Set 50 Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 3/27/2013

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 50

(for instructions, click here)

#1) West deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitK
bridge card suitAQ43
bridge card suitQ87
bridge card suitA10652
bridge card suitA965
bridge card suitJ102
bridge card suitJ
bridge card suitQJ873

Deal 1 Scores:

5bridge card suit:10
3bridge card suit:7

4bridge card suit:6



6bridge card suit:3


Many West players will open 1NT. This is to avoid the rebid problem after a likely 1bridge card suit response to 1bridge card suit.  A 1NT opening will likely result in 3NT (unless East can show short diamonds). If West opens 1bridge card suit, he has that tough rebid problem--with the need to tell some lie.  A club game is good--needing one of two finesses to work.

#2) East deals, Neither Side Vul.

bridge card suitQ652
bridge card suit97
bridge card suitQ43
bridge card suit6542
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitAQJ864
bridge card suitA
bridge card suitAKQJ109

Deal 2 Scores:

6bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit:9

5bridge card suit:7

5bridge card suit:5

1bridge card suit: 1

East can open 1bridge card suit and rebid 6bridge card suit. But, that risks ending up in 1bridge card suit--and it could easily happen. After 2bridge card suit, East will bid hearts and then maybe jump to 6bridge card suit, hoping that his partner will bid 7 with the bridge card suitK.

#3) South Deals and opens 2bridge card suit, E-W Vul

bridge card suitAJ10976
bridge card suit32
bridge card suitKQ2
bridge card suitQ3
bridge card suitKQ54
bridge card suitK107
bridge card suitA76
bridge card suitAK10

Deal 3 Scores:

6NT (E): 10
6bridge card suit (E): 9
5NT (E): 8
5bridge card suit: 6

6bridge card suit (W): 1

The key, of course, is to play from the East side.  Otherwise, a heart lead will likely sink a slam. After the 2bridge card suit opening, West should overcall 2bridge card suit. East can mark time with 3bridge card suit, or simply use Blackwood -- and then insist on notrump to protect his bridge card suitK.

#4) West deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suit97
bridge card suitKQ8
bridge card suitKQ6
bridge card suitKQJ102
bridge card suitAK6543
bridge card suitA32
bridge card suit2
bridge card suitA43

Deal  4 Scores:

6bridge card suit: 10

5NT: 7
4bridge card suit: 6
5bridge card suit: 5
5bridge card suit: 3

6bridge card suit: 2

The easiest path to 6bridge card suit is:  1NT-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-5NT-6bridge card suit-P  (where 5NT was pick-a-slam).  However, it is far from clear for East to bid that way.

For now (April, 2013), this is the last set -- there are a total of 200 deals for practice. Perhaps more will be added in the future. There is also the book below.***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***