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Set 49Results

Set 49Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 3/1/2013

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 49

(for instructions, click here)

#1) East deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitAK8753
bridge card suitKJ43
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitKJ2
bridge card suit42
bridge card suitQ2
bridge card suitAKJ105
bridge card suitAQ54

Deal 1 Scores:

4NT: 10
4bridge card suit: 9
5NT: 8
5bridge card suit: 7
6bridge card suit: 3
Other Slams: 1

East will likely open with an off-shape 1NT (to get the strength off his chest). Then it becomes hard for West to avoid driving to a no-play slam. (Granted, on a non-heart lead, 6bridge card suit has a slight chance). With 6-4, West might use Stayman and then Smolen, over which East will bid 3NT. West will make another move, but it is hard to stay low on this one.

#2) South deals, Both Vul. (South opens a 10-13 1NT and North bids 2bridge card suit Jacoby Transfer)

bridge card suitKJ43
bridge card suitQ
bridge card suitKJ87
bridge card suitJ1043
bridge card suitA2
bridge card suitK54
bridge card suitA62
bridge card suitKQ762

Deal 2 Scores:

5bridge card suit: 10
4bridge card suit: 7
3NT: 5 

2bridge card suitX: 2

In 3NT, you have to get lucky with the bridge card suitA. Much better is 5bridge card suit, which has numerous good chances (and would have made at the table). In fact, when this deal was played in a Nebraska Regional, East played 3NT, but South cleverly led the bridge card suitA to defeat the contract. East might bid 2NT (natural) over North's 2bridge card suit.  Or, West might double 2bridge card suit if East passes the first time. It is more normal to reach 3NT than 5bridge card suit.

#3) South Deals, Nobody Vul. (South opens 1bridge card suit and North bids 2bridge card suit)

bridge card suitAQ3
bridge card suitQ65
bridge card suitK2
bridge card suitAQ1054
bridge card suitJ652
bridge card suit2
bridge card suitAQJ9854
bridge card suit2

Deal 3 Scores:

5bridge card suit: 10
3NT: 5
6bridge card suit: 3
4bridge card suit: 2

If the bridge card suitAK are in the same hand, 3NT makes. At the table, the heart honors were split, so 3NT fails. It is likely West will overcall 1NT. What should East do after North's raise?  He can make a negative double, bid 3NT, or maybe some form of lebensohl ("Stayman without a stopper"). Just as in Deal #2, it is likely most pairs reach 3NT--not the minor-suit game.

#4) East deals, East-West Vul. (South bids 1bridge card suit and North bids 3bridge card suit)

bridge card suit4
bridge card suitQ87652
bridge card suitA1043
bridge card suitAK
bridge card suit76
bridge card suitA
bridge card suitKJ872
bridge card suitJ7652

Deal  4 Scores:

5bridge card suit: 10
6bridge card suit: 7
4bridge card suit: 4

For the third straight deal, the top spot is 5 of a minor. After (1bridge card suit) 2bridge card suit (3bridge card suit), East can make a responsive double. West can then choose diamonds, which East can raise to game.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***