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Set 48Results

Set 48Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 2/1/2013

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 48

(for instructions, click here)

#1) West deals, North-South Vul. (North bids 1bridge card suit, South bids 2bridge card suit)

bridge card suit762
bridge card suitAKQJ872
bridge card suit2
bridge card suit32
bridge card suit4
bridge card suit53
bridge card suitAKJ1076
bridge card suitAQ54

Deal 1 Scores:
4bridge card suit: 10
5bridge card suit: 8
6bridge card suit: 7
Partscores: 2

Slam has play, but isn't odds on. West is too strong to preempt, so should open 1bridge card suit. North overcalls, East bids 2bridge card suit and over South's 2bridge card suit, West will rebid 3bridge card suit or 4bridge card suit. It seems fairly normal to play in a heart game. At the table (this deal is from a Nebraska Regional, 11 tricks were the limit).

#2) West deals, East-West Vul. (North Doubles)

bridge card suitAKQ742
bridge card suit6
bridge card suit82
bridge card suitJ982
bridge card suit8653
bridge card suitA2
bridge card suitAK4
bridge card suitA1054

Deal 2 Scores:

6bridge card suit: 10
6bridge card suit: 8
5bridge card suit: 7
4NT: 5

5bridge card suit: 4

The key to slam is the club intermediates. Take away any of the J/10/9 in clubs and slam isn't so good.

After 1bridge card suit (X), East redoubles. West is likely to bid 2bridge card suit right away (this shows 6+ spades and a minimum). East would now like to make a cue-bid raise, but there is no cue-bid available!  Maybe East should avoid this problem by raising spades the first time, presumably with 2NT to show a limit-raise or better.

#3) East Deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitQJ108765
bridge card suit87
bridge card suit109
bridge card suit102
bridge card suit--
bridge card suit63
bridge card suitKQJ54
bridge card suitAKQJ43

Deal 3 Scores:

4bridge card suit: 10
4bridge card suit: 7
2bridge card suit: 6
3bridge card suit: 5

5bridge card suit: 2

If East opens 1bridge card suit, he is committing to reversing--I think he is worth it. Playing weak-jump shifts, West could respond 2bridge card suit, which will annoy East to no end. Will West ever stop bidding spades? Will the partnership be able to stop in a club partial? This is a tough one.

#4) West deals, East-West Vul.

bridge card suit10832
bridge card suitA765
bridge card suit10
bridge card suitA872
bridge card suitA9
bridge card suitK10
bridge card suitAJ84
bridge card suitJ10954

Deal  4 Scores:
5bridge card suit: 10
4bridge card suit: 8
2NT: 7
3NT: 4

The auction will start in one of two ways:
1) 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit-1NT  or
2) 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit

After the latter, West might raise to 3C, but that will be the end.
After the former, West might pass or raise clubs--still missing the decent club game (which would have made when this deal was played).

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***