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Set 47Results

Set 47Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 1/1/2013

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 47

(for instructions, click here)

#1) East deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitQ54
bridge card suitA
bridge card suitKQ7642
bridge card suitAK3
bridge card suitAKJ9
bridge card suitKJ10876
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitQJ9

Deal 1 Scores:

6bridge card suit: 10
6bridge card suit: 7
5bridge card suit: 6
4bridge card suit: 5
5bridge card suit: 4
4NT: 3
6NT: 2

After 1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit, East should rebid 2bridge card suit (typically showing 6 cards in LC Standard). If West has 4 spades, he can bid them over 2bridge card suit. In this case, West could jump to 3NT if that shows extra values, but 2NT or 3bridge card suit are more likely. After that start it is far from easy to reach the beautiful heart slam.

#2) West deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitAK
bridge card suit54
bridge card suitAJ9862
bridge card suitAKQ
bridge card suitQ54
bridge card suit62
bridge card suit1054
bridge card suit98654

Deal 2 Scores:

3bridge card suit: 10
4bridge card suit: 8
3bridge card suit: 7
4bridge card suit: 6
1NT: 5
5bridge card suit or 2NT: 2

What should West open? He is heavy for 1bridge card suit, but that call is the winner (all pass) here. He is heavy for 2NT, so might start with 2bridge card suit. Any of these latter paths will get East-West too high. This is a tough one, with all the points going to the 1bridge card suit openers.

#3) East Deals, Both Vul. (South Bids 3bridge card suit)

bridge card suitA54
bridge card suitAKQ6
bridge card suitAJ5
bridge card suitAQ2
bridge card suit--
bridge card suit532
bridge card suitKQ10762
bridge card suitKJ84

Deal 3 Scores:

7NT: 10
7bridge card suit: 9
6bridge card suit: 6
6bridge card suit: 5

Games: 2

This is a tough one. If East opens 2bridge card suit (weak), South's 3bridge card suit overcall really should be strong (not likely on this layout)! After the vulnerable weak-2, it is easy for West to bid slam. If he can somehow use RKC and find out about the bridge card suitK, he can count 13 tricks for notrump. However, East might get in the way by showing the void (however the partnership does so) in response to Blackwood.

#4) West deals, Both Vul. (North bids 3bridge card suit)

bridge card suit53
bridge card suitAJ
bridge card suit7654
bridge card suitA10942
bridge card suitA4
bridge card suitKQ107643
bridge card suitA
bridge card suitKQ3

Deal  4 Scores:

7NT: 10

7bridge card suit: 9

7bridge card suit: 8

6NT: 7
6bridge card suit: 6

6bridge card suit: 5

Games: 2

Another tough grand slam to reach (especially with the interference). Over North's 3bridge card suit, I think East should overcall 4bridge card suit. West might move, but I can't see reaching seven!

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***