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Set 46Results

Set 46Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 12/1/2012

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 46

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#1) West deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitA 5 4
bridge card suit3
bridge card suitK Q J 3 2
bridge card suitA K 5 4
bridge card suitK 2
bridge card suitA Q 9 4
bridge card suit7 6 4
bridge card suitQ 10 7 2

Deal 1 Scores:

6bridge card suit/6bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit/5bridge card suit:5

The minor suit slams need decent breaks, but are worthwhile ventures. After 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit, West is not good enough to jumpshift, so will have to content himself with 2bridge card suit. East will likely bit 2NT, raised to 3NT--not such a bad contract.

#2) West deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitA K Q J 9
bridge card suitK 2
bridge card suitA 10 5 4
bridge card suitA Q
bridge card suit8 7
bridge card suitA J 9 7 6
bridge card suitK J 7 3
bridge card suit8 7

Deal 2 Scores:

6NT (West): 10
6bridge card suit:9
6bridge card suit(West):8
6bridge card suit(East):6
5NT (West): 5
7bridge card suit:5
4bridge card suit:4
5bridge card suit:3
7bridge card suit:2

Using LC Standard, the auction begins 2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-3bridge card suit. After that, West would like to use RKC in diamonds (this is a matter of methods). After a trump-queen ask reveals that the bridge card suitQ is missing, West will have to guess whether or not to settle in small slam or maybe a grand slam (but not in diamonds).

#3) West Deals, N-S Vul.

bridge card suitJ 4
bridge card suitA K Q 10 6 5 3
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitK Q 10 3
bridge card suitA Q 8 7 2
bridge card suit2
bridge card suitJ 8 6
bridge card suitA 8 7 2

Deal 3 Scores:  

7bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit:8
6bridge card suit:7
5bridge card suit:5
5bridge card suit:2

David Berkowitz and I bid these cards to 7bridge card suit at a regional many years ago (and this deal was part of the series on "magical 4-4 fits" in My Favorite 52). I opened the West cards with a Precision 1bridge card suit and David bid 1bridge card suit (natural, GF). After I bid 2bridge card suit, he bid 3bridge card suit (all natural). I now used a rare animal: Exclusion RKC. My jump to 5bridge card suit asked for keycards outside of diamonds. When David showed 2, I greedily bid 7bridge card suit, knowing that if he didn't have the bridge card suitK that we would still have 13 tricks with decent splits. In fact, trumps and hearts were both 3-2, so we took 7 hearts, 3 clubs, the bridge card suitA and 2 ruffs. If you must know, the bridge card suitK was offside, so this was the only making grand slam. 

#4) East deals, N-S Vul. [South bids spades, North raises to 3bridge card suit if possible]

bridge card suitK
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitA Q 10 7 6 5 4 2
bridge card suitK 8 7 4
bridge card suitA 7 6
bridge card suitA J 9 7 6
bridge card suitK J 3
bridge card suitA 2

Deal  4 Scores:

7bridge card suit:10
6NT: 8
6bridge card suit:7
5bridge card suit:3

East's hand is too good for a 15-17 notrump (it is worth more like 18 or 19). After 1bridge card suit (1bridge card suit) 2bridge card suit (3bridge card suit), East doesn't have much room. He could control-bid 4bridge card suit or maybe just jump to 4NT (RKC in diamonds). Getting to 6 isn't to tough--but I can't recommend a good auction to reach 7.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***