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Set 45Results

Set 45Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 11/1/2012

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 45

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#1) North deals, E-W Vul. [North opens 1bridge card suit]

bridge card suitK 9 8 5 4
bridge card suitQ
bridge card suit3
bridge card suitK 9 8 6 3 2
bridge card suitA 6
bridge card suitA J 5 2
bridge card suitK Q J 8
bridge card suitA 10 4

Deal 1 Scores:
5bridge card suit:6
6bridge card suit:5
4bridge card suit:4

Most Easts will double (as opposed to making a trap pass at these colors). What will West respond? If it is 4bridge card suit, East won't be happy--and won't know if he should pass or not.  West could respond in clubs, hoping to bid spades later. This one is totally unpredictable--there is no right or wrong.

#2) East deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suit6 5
bridge card suitA J 6 5
bridge card suitA K 10 5 4
bridge card suitA 3
bridge card suitA K 10 3
bridge card suitK Q 7 2
bridge card suit6
bridge card suitK J 6 2

Deal 2 Scores:

7bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit:7
5bridge card suit:2

With such a good hand, West should respond 1bridge card suit to 1bridge card suit (there is no need to distort--West can always get the hearts in later). East will bid 1bridge card suit and now West can use 4th suit forcing (some use 1bridge card suit, others 2bridge card suit in this situation). West will raise hearts at his next turn and both players have beautiful hands for slam.

#3) East Deals, Nobody Vul.

bridge card suitA 10
bridge card suitJ 9 8 6 4
bridge card suitK 9 5
bridge card suitA 10 2
bridge card suitK 7 6
bridge card suitA K Q 2
bridge card suitA Q 6 2
bridge card suit7 5

Deal 3 Scores: 
6bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit:6
7bridge card suit:1

A normal start is 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit-3bridge card suit. West surely has slam interest at this point. I like a 3bridge card suit control-bid, over which East will control bid 4bridge card suit. West now will likely use RKC and will have go guess whether to settle for 6bridge card suit or reach very optimistically for 7.

#4) West deals, Both Vul.

bridge card suitA K Q 6 5
bridge card suit7 6
bridge card suitJ
bridge card suitK Q 8 6 4
bridge card suit2
bridge card suitA K 9 2
bridge card suitA K Q 8 7 2
bridge card suit5 3

Deal  4 Scores:

6bridge card suit:8
5bridge card suit:4
4bridge card suit:2

After 1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-3bridge card suit, East has a tough call. He is too heavy for only 3NT, so might try 4NT if quantitative. Also, he could rebid the diamonds (assuming a 2/1 GF auction) or bid 3bridge card suit.  The huge key to this deal is West's bridge card suitJ--without it, no slam would be good.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***