Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 10/1/2012
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
(for instructions, click here)
#1) South deals, E-W Vul. [South opens 2]
A Q J A K J 9 4 K A K 5 4 | 7 6 8 7 5 8 2 J 9 8 7 3 2 |
Deal1 Scores:
With the K almost surely onside, 6 requires only a 2-1 club break. The highest scoring game is likely 3NT since declarer can expect a spade lead (even a diamond lead is survivable since if North has the ace he will likely underlead it). West could just overcall 3NT, but double is more scientific. If playing lebensohl, East will bid 2NT to attempt to Puppet to 3. West will have none of that and might bid 3NT over 2NT. In "standard," East will remove a double to 3 and West will have to decide whether to bid hearts, notrump, or raise clubs.
Q 6 5 2 K 10 2 Q J 5 4 A K | -- A Q 3 K 10 9 7 6 2 8 7 5 3 |
Deal 2 Scores:
Will east open very light with 1? How about an extremely undisciplined 2? Assuming East makes a disciplined pass, West will open 1NT and then it is just a question of methods. It's tough to reach the excellent slam.
#3) South Deals, Both Vul. [South opens 2 Natural, 11-15]
-- Q J 10 9 7 6 5 2 K 8 7 2 4 | A Q 10 7 6 2 A A 6 5 3 K 2 |
Deal 3 Scores:
What is West worth after South's opening bid? A jump overcall of a preempt is weak; but this is an "opening bid" - so a jump to 3 is likely weak. West is probably too strong for that and might overcall 4. East will be tempted to move with this 3 aces, but will likely be worried about 2 fast club losers. Might he try 6NT? If so, he needs the K to be singleton.
#4) East deals, Nobody Vul.
K A J 7 K 8 7 2 A J 10 7 2 | A 9 8 K 8 5 3 2 A J 10 3 4 |
Deal 4 Scores:
This so-so slam should be avoided with a start along the lines of 1-2-2-2-2-3 ... after which neither player has enough stuff to go past game.
***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***