Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 5/1/2012
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Set 39 East Hands
(for instructions, click here)
#1) West deals, Both Vul.
A K 9 7 6 2 A 10 A K J 8 5 |
#2) East deals, South doubles, North bids spades, Nobody vul.
4 2 A K 5 4 2 A K Q 7 6 2 |
#3) West Deals, Nobody Vul.
A 10 9 4 2 6 A 6 5 3 A K 10 |
#4) East deals, Both Vul.
3 A K 5 2 A K Q 9 6 5 Q 4 |
***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***