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Set 26 East Hands

Set 26 East Hands

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 7/9/2017

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Set 26 East Hands

For instructions, click here.
Board 1, West deals, Both Vul

♠ Q872  
♥ A93  
♦ AK872  
♣ 3

Board 2: South Opens 3bridge card suit, North bids 4bridge card suit -- N-S Vul.

bridge card suitK 9 7 4
bridge card suitA Q 9 8 5 4
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitA 7 2

Board 3, West deals, North bids 1♠, Both vul


♠ J94  
♥ A9432  
♦ K4  
♣ AK4 

Board 4, East Deals, Nobody Vul

♠ A10  
♥ AKJ104  
♦ AJ543  
♣ Q

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***