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Set 18 Results

Set 18 Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 12/1/2016

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Set 18 Results

For instructions, click here.

Board 1, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable

bridge card suitA J 8 5 4
bridge card suitA Q 3
bridge card suitA K 10
bridge card suitK 4
bridge card suitQ 7 6 3
bridge card suitJ 2
bridge card suitQ 7 5
bridge card suitA 10 7 2

Scores for Board 1:

6bridge card suit:10
4bridge card suit:7
5bridge card suit:6
6NT: 5
4NT: 4
5NT: 3

6bridge card suit is good since it makes if either major comes in. 6NT is not as good, because if spades produce only 4 tricks, it will be quite unlikely to get 8 more from the other suits. Is West's hand too good for 2NT? I count 21 prime HCP and a 5-card suit, so I think 2bridge card suit planning to rebid 2NT is a better valuation. After either start, East will use Stayman to locate the spade fit. Over 20-21, East might not try for slam (unless he has used Puppet Stayman to learn of a 5-4 fit). Over the 2bridge card suit-then-2NT start, East is more likely to head towards 6bridge card suit. In either case, the partnership must have agreements as to what East's actions mean after West's 3bridge card suit.

Board 2, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable

bridge card suitQ 10 5 4
bridge card suit5 2
bridge card suitA 10 3
bridge card suitA 9 8 7
bridge card suitA K 8 7 6
bridge card suitA K Q 10 7
bridge card suit7 6
bridge card suit2

Scores for Board 2:

7bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit:7

5bridge card suit:3
5NT: 1

If either major behaves, 13 tricks in spades are there (West's diamonds eventually go on East's hearts, and East's diamond loser is ruffed in West's hand).  If East starts with 2bridge card suit and rebids 2bridge card suit, West will love his hand. Alternatively, East can start with 1bridge card suit and West will use Drury (maybe 2-way to show 4 trumps). East would like to hear a control-bid of 4bridge card suit from West at some point, after which it is easy to reach 6, but not 7.

Board 3, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable

bridge card suitA J 5 4 2
bridge card suitK 4 3
bridge card suit4
bridge card suitK 10 9 2
bridge card suitK 8 7
bridge card suitA 6 2
bridge card suitA K 3 2
bridge card suitA 7 3

Scores for Board 3:

4bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit: 8
4NT: 6
6bridge card suit: 4
6NT: 2

Because there is a likely trick to lose outside of spades, slam is sub-par. It requires not only finding the bridge card suitQ onside (50-50), but a 3-2 spade break. How to stay out of slam? West opens 1bridge card suit (doesn't he?) and East will probably respond 2bridge card suit. West's rebid now depends on system, but East will raise spades next. Will East drag West into slam kicking and screaming?  

Board 4, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable

bridge card suitA Q
bridge card suitK 4 2
bridge card suitQ J 9
bridge card suitJ 7 6 5 4
bridge card suitK 2
bridge card suitA 10 3
bridge card suitK 5 4
bridge card suitA K Q 3 2


5NT : 10
5bridge card suit: 7
Slams: 4

This is nasty (mirrored distribution), but don't blame me; this deal comes from the Becker archives. If only we could change one little card to be in a different suit, there would be 12 likely tricks. How to avoid this slam? Once West opens the bidding, I can't see stopping short of 6bridge card suit. That's why slam, although "no play" does get 4 out of 10 points--you will have lots of company for -50. Only a pair of relayers, who can discover the exact duplication of values, might have a chance to stop in game.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***