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Set 14 Results

Set 14 Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 4/2/2016

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Set 14 Results

For instructions, click here.

Board 1, West deals, N-S vul

bridge card suitA Q
bridge card suitA 9 7 6 4
bridge card suitA K
bridge card suitA K 9 2
bridge card suitK J 8 3
bridge card suitJ 5 2
bridge card suitQ J 5 4
bridge card suitQ 8

Scores for Board 1:

6NT: 10
5NT: 7
4bridge card suit: 5
5bridge card suit: 4
6bridge card suit: 2

RKC should come to the rescue here. After 2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-3bridge card suit (showing values), West might use RKC. East shows no keycards and then no bridge card suitQ after the queen ask. Since West knows East has some values (otherwise he would have jumped to 4bridge card suit--weak), he can guess to bid 6NT.

Board 2, East deals, nobody vul

bridge card suitA K Q J 4
bridge card suitA 10 4
bridge card suitK 9
bridge card suitJ 10 2
bridge card suit6 5
bridge card suit8 2
bridge card suitA 10 8 5 4 3
bridge card suitA K 9

Scores for Board 2:

7bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit:8
6bridge card suit:6
5bridge card suit:6
4NT: 5
5NT: 3
5bridge card suit:2

The 5-2 spade fit rates to produce 13 tricks, thus 7bridge card suit gets the top score. I'd be happy to reach 6bridge card suit or 6bridge card suit as the likely start is : 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit. West might mark time with 2bridge card suit over which East will bid 2NT. The partnership is a long way from the best contract!

Board 3, East deals, both vul

bridge card suitK J 10 2
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitA Q 10 5 3
bridge card suitA K Q 9
bridge card suitA Q 9
bridge card suitA 10 9 8 5 4
bridge card suitK 2
bridge card suit8 3

Scores for Board 3:

7bridge card suit:10
7NT: 8
7bridge card suit: 7
6bridge card suit: 6
6NT: 5
6bridge card suit:4
5bridge card suit:3
other games: 2
This isn't really fair. Two straight deals where you have to reach a grand slam in a 7-card fit! This auction will likely begin 1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit. East will now have to decide if he should raise diamonds or spades. Good luck reaching 7bridge card suit! (Again, it is the odds-on contract--and better than diamonds or notrump since a diamond can be ruffed in East's hand).

Board 4,East deals, both vul

bridge card suitQ 8 3
bridge card suitK 9 4 2
bridge card suitA K 5 4
bridge card suitA Q
bridge card suitA K 10 2
bridge card suitA Q J 8 7
bridge card suit2
bridge card suitJ 9 4


7bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit: 8
6NT: 6
5bridge card suit:4
7NT: 3
5NT: 2

Again, the odds favor being in 7. The combined chances in the black suits make it well over 70%. Unfortunately, if South leads a club (doesn't he know to lead trumps against grands?) it removes the option of the club finesse. On a different lead, declarer can test spades (making on 3-3 or the jack falling) and then fall back on the 50-50 club finesse. The auction will likely begin 1bridge card suit-2NT (Jacoby)-3bridge card suit (shortness)-3bridge card suit (marking time)-3bridge card suit.  West will now likely use RKC and give up on 7 when he finds a key black king is missing.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***