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Set 10Results

Set 10Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 12/1/2015

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 10

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Board 1, East deals, nobody vulnerable

bridge card suitK
bridge card suitA K J 6 5 3
bridge card suitK 8 2
bridge card suitQ 8 7
bridge card suitQ J 8 6 3
bridge card suitQ 9 2
bridge card suitA 9 3
bridge card suit10 2

Scores for Board 1:

4bridge card suit: 10
3bridge card suit: 5
2NT: 3
3NT: 2

After West's third seat 1bridge card suit, East has a dilemma. Should he show his spades, or raise hearts? If he does raise hearts, is he too strong for 2bridge card suit? There is no "right" answer. A third-seat opener is sometimes based on a four-card suit, so that might argue in favor of a 1bridge card suit response. After that, West might scrape up a 3bridge card suit rebid (a slight overbid), which East will surely raise to game. If West rebids only 2bridge card suit, East should still raise to 3bridge card suit. One reason is that a 3rd seat 1bridge card suit followed by 2bridge card suit should show a decent opener (otherwise West could open with a heavy 3rd seat weak two). If East raises hearts via Drury, West will jump to 4bridge card suit (no reason to look for slam opposite a passed hand). If East raises to only 2bridge card suit, West is worth a try which East should accept. I think this is one of the easier problems in this feature.

Board 2, West deals, both vulnerable

bridge card suitA 8 7 5 2
bridge card suitA K
bridge card suit4
bridge card suitJ 8 6 5 2
bridge card suit4
bridge card suitQ 8 7 5 3
bridge card suitA 7 5
bridge card suitA K Q 7

Scores for Board 2:

7bridge card suit: 10
6bridge card suit:8
3N: 8
4bridge card suit: 5
5bridge card suit: 3

Some players open 1bridge card suit with 5-5 in the blacks, but 1bridge card suit is the more common treatment. After 1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit (assuming 2/1 GF) , West should rebid 3bridge card suit (I don't believe in playing this as showing extra values). If East now bids 3NT, well,...I can't say anything kind. My buddy David Berkowitz would call that a "truck-driver" bid. Sorry, truck drivers. At the least, East could punt/temporize with 3bridge card suit, but I think he should bid 4bridge card suit. If I had one bid for my life over 3bridge card suit with East's hand, it would be 6bridge card suit. After 1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-3bridge card suit-4bridge card suit, the auction could enter never-never land. Is 4bridge card suit now by West a control-bid or an offer to play? Only experienced partnerships will have an agreement. Note: In this feature I try to give guidance for the first few rounds of the auction. To discuss the high-level subtleties, I'd need to give up my day job and find more time.

Board 3, West deals, nobody vulnerable

bridge card suit8
bridge card suitK 3
bridge card suitA Q 10 9 6 3
bridge card suitA Q 8 4
bridge card suitA K Q J 10 9 2
bridge card suit8 7 2
bridge card suitK 2
bridge card suit7

Scores for Board 3:

6N (West) : 10
6bridge card suit (West): 9
6bridge card suit (West): 7
6bridge card suit (East): 6
6NT (East) :
5bridge card suit:4
5bridge card suit: 3

After West opens 1bridge card suit, East could respond 2bridge card suit if playing it as strong. If undiscussed, discuss it after this deal, but bid 1bridge card suit at the table to avoid an accident. With 6-4, West should show his second suit--2bridge card suit. East is too strong to simply jump to 4bridge card suit. He should bid 2bridge card suit (fourth suit game forcing). West could then bid notrump (hearts stopped), but I prefer the more-descriptive call of 3bridge card suit--to show 6-4. Some pairs play that going A-B-A with 6-4 shows extras (with less they go A-A-B). Anyway, East now bids 3bridge card suit and West will admit to hearts stopped with 3NT. So, I expect this start: 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit-3bridge card suit-3bridge card suit-3NT. I usually don't go "7-bids-deep" in my predictions. I'll quit while the quitting is good, but will say that it is not easy to reach the top spot.

Board 4, East deals, nobody vulnerable

bridge card suitA J 10 7
bridge card suitJ 10 6
bridge card suit4
bridge card suitA 10 9 6 3
bridge card suitQ 4 2
bridge card suitK Q 9 8 7
bridge card suitA 5 2
bridge card suitK J

Scores for Board 4:

4bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit:6
4bridge card suit:4

I feel strongly that East should open 1NT. To read my thoughts, click here. However, the downside of 1NT comes here if all West can do is use Stayman. After 1N-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit what will happen? If West can bid 3bridge card suit forcing, East will rebid hearts and now the heart game is reached. If West rebids 3NT (see my "truck-driver" discussion on board 2), East will have no reason to bid again. Some pairs use Puppet Stayman whereby West can ask about a 4- or 5-card major--making it easy to reach 4bridge card suit, but making it tougher on the system memory. Responses to 1NT is probably the most complicated part of the convention card to fill out. 

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***